• Mr. Paul Harris first started Rotary Club in 1905.
  • In 1920 the wives of Rotarians in Great Britain and Ireland joined hands to help their husbands with social work undertaken by Rotary.
  • On 10th Jan. 1924, - the inaugural meeting of Manchester Club (Great Britain) was held in Herriots. Bath when the name ''Inner Wheel" was adopted. Mrs. Oliver Golding was the founder President and Mrs. Nixon as Secretary. The first 6 rules were agreed upon.
  • 10th January celebrated as the International Inner Wheel Day.
  • 1931 the first overseas Club was founded in Ballarhat.
  • 6th May 1934 - The Association of I.W. Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland was formed and rapidly became a global movement.
  • Since 1936 - Newly formed Inner Wheel Clubs were given a certificate of Membership or ''The Charter".
  • 1955 - Inner Wheel came to India with formation of IW Clubs of Ahmedabad as Dist. 75, now Dist. 305.
  • 1966 - Malti Rana was appointed the first IIW Representative. In July 1967 - IIW came into being. The first board meeting was held at Copenhagen. Five board members were present from Denmark, G.B. & I, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
  • Lavender Weightman became the first IIW President and came to India in 1968-combined 3 districts of Gujrat, Saurashtra and Bombay and named National Council of India.
  • 1976 - The Association of I.W. Clubs in India, Srilanka and Bangladesh was formed. Raksha Mehta (Dist. 314) was the first President.
  • 1977 - The first Conference of the Association was held in Bombay, Srilanka and Bangladesh are no longer in Association of IW Clubs in India. This is now the second largest Association after G.B. & I.
  • 1986-87 - Minna Kapoor was the first Indian lady to honour the highest office of IIW President.
  • 1993-94 - Anita Agarwal became the second lady to honour the highest office of IIW President.
  • 2007-08 - Kamala Ramakrishnan became the third Indian lady to honour the highest office of IIW President.